Shel Harrington

My name is Shel Harrington.

I’m a divorce lawyer, but I don’t like divorce.

That’s why any chance I get I speak, write, and think about ways to prevent divorce. But divorce will still happen. When it does, my focus shifts to ways the adults can make it better for the kids and themselves. I have been told more than once that if people stop getting divorced I’d be out of business. My response? “So put me out of business – I’ll find something else to do!”

In preparation for eventually being put out of business, I’m exploring a myriad of hobbies (painting rocks is a current favorite), read lots of books (mostly suspense novels), and continue to write on wider topics. I’m even trying my hand at a novel – which is its own adventure!

Meanwhile, I’ll hang on to my day jobs of solo Family Law practitioner and adjunct professor at a local law school where I teach Family Law and related courses.

Guest Blogs

Quoted In

Redbook – The 50 Most Common Marriage Problems – Plus How to Fix Them by Charlotte Andersen

Chicago Parent – How Couples Should Handle Their Money and Bank Accounts by Lela Davidson

U.S. News and World Report – What to Do When Your Ex Won’t Pay Child Support by Geoff Williams

The Oklahoman – Your Life: 5 Things Parents Should Never Say to Children by Charlotte Lankard

Metro Family – 5 Romantic Escapes in Oklahoma, and Why You Need to Take Them by Paige Willet Lough

Women’s Health – 15 Tips Divorce Attorneys Do to Strengthen Their Own Marriages by Charlotte Hilton Andersen

Ladies’ Home Journal – The Little Meaningful things Happily Married Couples Do by Elizabeth Jenkins

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