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5 More May Celebrations

Earlier this month, when deciding what May celebration to talk about, I went with May is “Date Your Mate” month. But several other May celebrations that I wasn’t familiar with caught my eye. Here are 5 more that we still have time to celebrate. 1. Lucky Penny Day. (May 23) A day to celebrate and reinforce...

Friday Five #2

Friday Five. It may be informational, entertaining, inspirational, or some combination. It may be five related thoughts, or five random topics. But it will be short. And it will leave you with a new thought, idea, or smile on your face.   1. If one of your  Couple’s New Year’s Resolutions is to add a...

Date Your Mate – For Free! (the finale)

            You’ve been dating your mate for free since (or before) March when part one of Date Your Mate was published. You revved things up with all the options provided in April’s part two. But wait – there’s more! As we head into summer, this last installment of the Date Your Mate series offers suggestions...

Date Your Mate – For Free! (Part 2)

So how is the mate-dating going? Did you try out any of the free options in last month’s Date Your Mate article? Or any of the great ideas shared in the comment section? Well, whether you’re a slow-starter and looking for more options before you get rolling or a savvy dater who already exhausted last...

Date Your Mate for Free
Date Your Mate – For Free!

Part 1             We’ve all heard it – if you want a better marriage, make time for you and your mate. Have a date night – once a week. Or at least monthly. Go. Do it. Date. There are lots of good reasons. Psychologists are telling you to do it.  Counselors, pastors, wise family members...

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