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4th of July
Happy 4th of July!

Wishing you and yours a safe, blessed and Happy 4th of July! And a big Happy Birthday, America!

15 Questions to Put the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving

Have you ever tried to stir up some “what we are thankful for” discussion at Thanksgiving dinner, only to be met with blank faces? Or the spouting of obligatory mini-lists such as: “I’m thankful for my spouse. And my children.” Which are not bad things to express thankfulness for – especially if the spouse and...

10 Ways Couples Can Put the THANKS Back in Thanksgiving

This November, one of the things I am most grateful for is the opportunity to visit with dear family members in (not-so) sunny Florida! While I am enjoying them, please enjoy this Thanksgiving encore! With Thanksgiving as its finale, November is a great month to focus on the many people and things there are to...

7 Ways to Get Back the Childhood Magic of the Holiday Season

  Think back to the last stress-free holiday season you enjoyed. Remember a time when the most stressful season event was trying not to peek at wrapped Christmas presents when your parents weren’t home? Many of us have to go back to  our childhood years to find a time that was more simple pleasures than commercialism. Grab your...

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