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Happy Anniversary!

Thanks for stopping by to help me celebrate my first anniversary! It’s been quite a year. My husband  and I lost precious loved ones, dealt with (and beat) cancer, dealt with other health issues and life challenges during this past year – as so many of you are doing. And through it all we continued to...

How To Tell Your Mate The Truth – Honesty vs. Just Plain Mean

            ‘Brutal’ and ‘honesty’ don’t have to go together. Being truthful should not be synonymous with being mean. With that in mind, how do we answer those difficult questions from our spouses? The questions on topics that you know your mate is sensitive about? And yet the questions call for, and your spouse deserves, honest...

Date Your Mate – For Free! (Part 2)

So how is the mate-dating going? Did you try out any of the free options in last month’s Date Your Mate article? Or any of the great ideas shared in the comment section? Well, whether you’re a slow-starter and looking for more options before you get rolling or a savvy dater who already exhausted last...

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