Have you ever tried to stir up some “what we are thankful for” discussion at Thanksgiving dinner, only to be met with blank faces? Or the spouting of obligatory mini-lists such as: “I’m thankful for my spouse. And my children.” Which are not bad things to express thankfulness for – especially if the spouse and...
Children anticipate the holidays eagerly – gifts, special food, no school – what’s not to like? They are often oblivious to the stress adults may experience this time of year. Unless they have to divide their holidays between two warring parents. Nothing sucks the joy out of the season for a child faster than having...
This November, one of the things I am most grateful for is the opportunity to visit with dear family members in (not-so) sunny Florida! While I am enjoying them, please enjoy this Thanksgiving encore! With Thanksgiving as its finale, November is a great month to focus on the many people and things there are to...
There are some things we just don’t think to thank our spouses for – but maybe we should. For instance, you know how in the movies people wake up morning-fresh with tousled hair? Well, in real life, it’s morning breath and bed-head. Yet our spouses love us through it and in spite of it. And...
November is a great month to be intentional about expressing your appreciation for the dearest person in your life. We say ‘thank-you’ to our spouses throughout the year for specific actions and do little nice things on occasion “just because.” As we should! But how often in between those moments are we taking them for...
One of the ways to put the THANKS back into Thanksgiving mentioned in an earlier article is having paper and pencil at each dinner place so that those gathered could share what they were thankful for during the meal. A fun alternative to that exercise is the use of Thanksgiving conversation cards. Get some thought-provoking...
With Thanksgiving as its finale, November is a great month to focus on the many people and things there are to be thankful for in our lives. The great food is just a bonus! If you and your spouse want to put the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving this year, here are 10 suggestions to get you...