Shel Harrington > Blog > Child Custody
10 Ways to Rock being a Long Distance Parent
10 Ways to ROCK Being a Long-Distance Parent

After divorce, it’s often difficult for both parent and child when one household becomes two. The child sees each parent less, each parent sees the child less. Add in relocation of one parent to the mix, and a tough situation gets tougher. Not only do the parents have to figure out how transportation is going...

7 Things Your Divorce Lawyer Wants You to Know

Divorce is rarely easy and rarely cheap. But there are things you can do to make the process less difficult and less expensive. After two decades of practicing Family Law and hearing other Family Law attorneys express concern (read: complain) about the same things, I’ve compiled a short list of things your divorce lawyer wants...

5 FAQs about Child Custody Answered
Child Custody: 5 FAQs Answered

Child custody battles are often the most difficult part of divorce proceedings. Property can be divided or sold, debts can be assigned to one party or the other, but how custody/visitation plans are structured is much more complex. As  mothers and fathers contemplate divorce or (if not married to each other) paternity actions, they often...

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