Shel Harrington > Blog > Preventing divorce
Love Story Corrected After 44 Years – Love DOES Mean Having to Say You’re Sorry

After the recent post referencing Tom Cruise’s famous movie line “You complete me,” I heard from many of you who thought there was another Hollywood line that should be on the “Relationship Drivel” list: Love means never having to say your sorry. I agree – but I’m not the only one who does. Even the...

5 More Simple Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Ladies’ Home Journal Magazine was onto something when they touted the importance of “The Little Meaningful Things Happily Married Couples Do.” Admittedly, as soon as I got the magazine I raced past what other couples were doing and checked to see if Steve and I were in the mix. But after I happily scoped out...

Marriage, Ladies’ Home Journal, and the Simple Things That Matter

In January, Ladies’ Home Journal Magazine (LHJ) asked what little things “you and your spouse do for each other” that make the marriage special. My husband and I had fun putting together our list to send in, reminding each other of little things the other had done that made us smile. When we heard back...

Marriage – 73 Years of Wisdom

Barbara “Cutie” Cooper knows a little something about marriage – as well she should after being married for 73 years! With the help of her granddaughters,  she tells her story in Fall in Love for Life – Inspiration from a 73-Year Marriage. And what a fun story it is! Full of humor, wisdom, tips for...

Just Because You Said Yes, Doesn't Mean You Have to Say "I DO"
Dear Brides-and-Grooms-To-Be: Just Because You Said ‘Yes’ Doesn’t Mean You Have to Say “I Do”

Many a happy bride and groom to-be are counting down to their wedding day. But there are some that, as the date approaches, wonder if they’re doing the right thing. Some that have grave misgivings. You may be saying: “But the flowers have been ordered, the invitations sent, and gifts have arrived – so I...

Getting Personal

Two things very important to me (that I love talking about) are keeping marriage fresh and writing. Before I talk to you briefly about my writing, first up is a casual interview Stephanie Clinton did with me for her vlog at Hugs, Kisses and Friends Chat Show about how not to get divorced. (If you...

Keeping Secrets

I was keeping a secret from my husband, Steve, and it was starting to wear on me. Having to watch what I said, not meeting the eyes of another who was alluding to it in front of him. And it wasn’t even my secret. But I had agreed to keep it. As constrained and burdened...

Pursuing Your Spouse – Again

Remember the passion that came with dating? How you exerted great effort to impress your mate? How wonderful you felt when what you did caused this special person to smile? If your relationship is feeling a bit flat – or before it does – mentally review your past. Then vow to recreate it – on...

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Couples (without using the word ‘weight’)

No matter how many challenges you are looking at or how many you conquered in the past year, 2019 is going to be a great year. It is a decision we can make right now. We can’t control everything in our lives, but we can control our choices. Let’s choose a fun way to improve...

7 Behaviors Couples Should Avoid

We’ve all encountered that couple – the one that makes everyone uncomfortable with the way they interact with each other in public. Something they do has us looking away or pretending not to hear. They are the couple least likely to be invited back. Don’t be that couple. Avoid these seven behaviors – so others...

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