Let me introduce you to a funny guy if you don’t already know him. Meet Aaron Traister. He says what husbands are thinking – in a way that wives will recognize. Take his article regarding what he learned about women on Pinterest, for instance. Most guys can sum up their confusion about what the big...
For today’s Friday Five, here are 5 on marriage that will help you head into the weekend with a smile on your face! 1. It’s all about doing what works. 2. Now there’s some math that adds up! To be able to print out the saying and/or see what it looks like framed, click on...
There’s a reason bacon sizzles – it’s the food of love! In honor of National Bacon Day, here’s bacon five ways to get you and your mate sizzling, too! 1. Cheesy bacon bombs. Exploding with the passion of gooey cheese and crispy bacon. Is this a picture or what?! [Click for recipe] 2. Sizzle...
Divorce affects children in a myriad of ways. Just because they don’t seem depressed or their grades don’t crash doesn’t mean they are unscathed by what is going on around them. As a matter of fact, more than one psychologist I consulted with when representing children (whose parents are going through divorce) has told me...
If you’re going to laugh your way to a longer, healthier marriage, you need to know how – and where – to get your laugh on. Here are five options that you might not have been aware of! 1. Laughing groups. Chances are your favorite hobby has a laughing group. I checked out the meetup...
Is anybody else still mourning the loss of Jarts? Remember that yard ring-toss game that made mothers sound like an excerpt from A Christmas Story: Be careful with those or you’ll poke your eye out! Well, apparently not enough kids listened to their mothers and the game was taken off the market. I don’t get...
We finally get our spouses to join us for that movie we’ve been wanting to see – our first date in ages – and then we run into one of those people. You know – the inconsiderate boob that ruins the movie for the rest of us. The one that refuses to turn off his...
Want to surprise your mate? Or hear a few painless ways to save a little money to be splurged on marital bliss? Wonder if that ‘truism’ you heard about divorce is really true? Want to stop an argument before it really gets going? Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to make you mate...
Having recently established that certain bathroom habits can be harmful to marriage, I left some people feeling that the bathroom was downright hazardous. But it’s not the bathroom itself, it’s the bathroom behavior we need to look at (not literally). Toilet seat left up? Bad behavior. Cracking your spouse up with your artistic toilet paper...
Who are those people responsible for this holiday where we get to take off work, eat hot dogs, watch awesome firework displays, and celebrate being a citizen of one of the most amazing, independent countries in the world? Here are five fun facts about that group of men to give you something to chat about...