Dividing up property that was accrued during marriage is one more difficult issue that has to be dealt with during divorce. Understanding how the judge would do it and what your options are for doing it without the judge’s intervention can make a difficult task a little less difficult. In spite of the fact that...
The previous post addressed how although a marriage may be cracked or fragmented, it still has potential to evolve into sea glass. Weathered, polished pieces of glass that are used to create enduring beauty. Several friends and readers noted that same analogy applies in our other relationships: parents, siblings, friends – even with ourselves! Today’s...
Have you ever experienced troubled waters in your marriage? Periods of time when you felt it was broken? Or had events occur that caused so much damage it seemed like the marriage was beyond repair? If you have been married any length of time, odds are good you’ve experienced some hurts, challenges, or obstacles to...
I’m not exactly taking the day off today. I’m over at Jill Weatherholt’s blog, Pursuing a Passion for Writing, fielding questions I don’t generally deal with here. Which result in answers – like how I dealt with the nude peeping tom and why I enjoyed spending time with both Jimmy Carter and Barbara Bush – that...
In spite of being told over and over that we ‘shouldn’t sweat the small stuff,’ that’s exactly what what many of us do. And it’s those petty things that seem to cause the biggest rifts between spouses. Having previously discussed annoying bathroom habits that can drain a marriage and obnoxious kitchen habits that can bring...
Let me introduce you to a funny guy if you don’t already know him. Meet Aaron Traister. He says what husbands are thinking – in a way that wives will recognize. Take his article regarding what he learned about women on Pinterest, for instance. Most guys can sum up their confusion about what the big...
First of all, to spare potential disappointment, I want you to know from the get-go this has nothing to do with the Grateful Dead. So if you thought I was going to help you talk your spouse into taking a retro adventure, uh . . . sorry. Let’s talk about my backyard. I took a...
For today’s Friday Five, here are 5 on marriage that will help you head into the weekend with a smile on your face! 1. It’s all about doing what works. 2. Now there’s some math that adds up! To be able to print out the saying and/or see what it looks like framed, click on...
Do you want to make your mate feel great? Here are 101 things to say to do just that! 1. You make me feel special. 2. You still make my heart go pitter-patter! 3. You’re hot! 4. I know you have my back. 5. I continue to learn from you. 6. Your smile lights my...
There’s a reason bacon sizzles – it’s the food of love! In honor of National Bacon Day, here’s bacon five ways to get you and your mate sizzling, too! 1. Cheesy bacon bombs. Exploding with the passion of gooey cheese and crispy bacon. Is this a picture or what?! [Click for recipe] 2. Sizzle...