Divorcing Parents, Listen to the Judge

In case you’re wondering whether or not judges care about the orders they issue regarding your children, I’m here to tell you that, from what I have seen in over two decades of practicing Family Law, most of them do. That’s not to say they’re not thoughtful about the rulings that affect you and your...

10 Promises to Add to the Wedding Vows!

The traditional wedding vows are nice – to honor, love, and respect, ’til death do us part. But we could be just a little more specific about what it takes to get there. Here’s some suggestions: 10 promises we could add to the wedding vows – you know, just to make sure we’re on the...

5 Reasons NOT to Marry

As we head into June, one of the most romantic months of the year, you may be trying to decide whether to pop the question or how to answer the question that was popped. You may be feeling that almost everything is wonderful about the relationship – with just a few small exceptions. Well, we...

The Garden of Marriage

The seasons of marriage are like having a garden with someone you love. There are distinct stages to get to, get to do, get through, and enjoy, too. Each one serves a purpose and contributes to the strengthening, longevity, and hearty success of the end result. Here are the stages of The Garden of Marriage:...

7 Mistakes Young Newlyweds Make

As a young newlywed, you head into marriage full of passion, commitment and a rosy glow. As well you should! To keep the glow rosy, avoid these seven common mistakes that young newlywed couples often make! 1. Trying to have the standard of living you enjoyed at your parent’s. Many young couples forget to factor...

Friday Five – Marriage MishMash

Whether you’re looking for reasons to date your spouse, dealing with deployment issues, needing to apologize, wondering about the benefits of “the letter,” or just wanting a good laugh, there’s something here for you! Today’s Friday Five is a compilation of articles I love because they offer great advice, made me chuckle or (bonus!) both....

Spousal Gossip
Spousal Gossip – Yea or Nay?

  Most of us would not want to be referred to as “A Gossip” – or get caught gossiping. So is gossip always a bad thing? I decided to check out a dictionary to see if there is any positive definition for ‘gossip.’ As it turns out, after checking several sources, I was indeed able...

Married With Bobbleheads

What makes people smile more than a bobblehead?  Known also as “wobblers” or “nodders,” these dolls often have oversized heads connected to the body by a spring or hook in such a way that the head bounces with a light tap or breeze. You may have seen sports figures bobbilized (a new word I’m creating...

10 Things NOT to Say to the Friend Who Doesn’t Want the Divorce

We want to show compassion for friends who tell us they are getting a divorce, but often we don’t know how to respond. It’s especially difficult when it’s clear they don’t want the divorce – that the choice was made by their spouse. Often the first thing that pops  into our head  – an unvarnished...

How to AFFAIR-PROOF Your Marriage

In my Family Law practice, I see the results of extramarital affairs on a regular basis. A wife stunned that her husband and best friend had been meeting behind her back. A husband sent reeling when his wife leaves him for his brother. A spouse having midnight chats with an ex-flame on Facebook. Suspicions confirmed...

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