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The Power of a Compliment

Recently I was one of two speakers at a luncheon program. Later that afternoon, I received an email from my co-speaker – a professional whom I admire –  that started out: “You’re wonderful!” The writer added a couple of lines about the highlights of my presentation contribution. While I don’t consider myself wonderful, I certainly...

7 Ways to Spring Clean Your Marriage

When the first crocus peeps through the snow we start looking forward to the freshness of spring. Windows  get opened and many of us get that itch. Out with the old, in with new – it’s spring cleaning time! What spring cleaning does for our homes – freshening, organizing, lightening up – it can do...

Pursuing Your Spouse – Again

Remember the passion that came with dating? How you exerted great effort to impress your mate? How wonderful you felt when what you did caused this special person to smile? If your relationship is feeling a bit flat – or before it does – mentally review your past. Then vow to recreate it – on...

Laudable Listening

Part of my job is interviewing people – clients, witnesses, experts, children. In an attempt to move the conversation along to the part where I can be helpful, I am often tempted to go all Jack Webb on people  (just the facts, ma’am, just the facts). But I have learned hurrying people along, rushing their...

Excuse Me While I Interrupt

There are good interruptions. Such as: “We interrupt this commercial to give you great news.” Or when the bleeding of a wound is interrupted by the wound being staunched – a life-saving interruption. But many interruptions are just plain rude. And while rude is rarely good, it’s even worse when directed at our spouse –...

Are You Wearing a Mask in Your Relationship?

Fat Tuesday. Some are putting on masks and wrapping themselves in beads to appear happy or mysterious. Some of the masks are beautiful. But they’re temporary. They’re decoration. They’re an illusion. Somebody presenting themself differently than who they are. Masks can be fun for a short time. We look different. Which sometimes makes us momentarily...

Friday Five #9

Friday Five. It may be informational, entertaining, inspirational, or some combination. It may be five related thoughts, or five random topics. But it will be short. And it will leave you with a new thought, idea, or smile on your face. 1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Matt Walsh takes issue with the stereotypes of husbands and waxes eloquent...

How to Get Rich – Without Money

Stuff is not evil. Everybody needs stuff. Even minimalists have some stuff. But how much stuff you have is not a measure of how rich your are. The secret to getting rich is to identify your wealth – then appreciate it and give it the value it’s due. Let’s get started assessing your wealth. 1.Think...

Friday Five #8

Friday Five. It may be informational, entertaining, inspirational, or some combination. It may be five related thoughts, or five random topics. But it will be short. And it will leave you with a new thought, idea, or smile on your face.     1. Customize your anniversary card. Or any other card – for about...

Date Busters

You’re right on track with your New Year’s Resolution to have a regular date night with your spouse. You have a list of great date ideas, you both have set aside that special night, and you’re both looking forward to it. So what could possibly go wrong? Nothing – if you avoid the following Date...

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